Useful Links
Peninsula Communications
Peninsula Communications, or PenCom, is the 911 center and communications division for Clallam County. PenCom is located inside the Port Angeles Police Department and is the centralized answering point for all 911 calls in Clallam County. PenCom Center has three full time radio console positions, one call taker position, and one supervisor position to provide emergency dispatch services for police, fire, and medical emergency responders.
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Anyone who needs suicide or mental health-related crisis support, or who has a loved one in crisis, can connect with a trained counselor by calling, chatting, or texting 988. For more information go to the 988 Lifeline website. If you or a loved one has thoughts of suicide, substance use concerns, or any other kind of emotional distress, you can also contact NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Clallam County for more information.

Law Enforcement
Frequently, the fire district needs support when answering calls. Whether it involves traffic control or intervention in disputes, the police make sure responders are safe while they do their jobs. Clallam County Sheriff’s website has many resources for the public.
You can use this link to report suspicious activity Anonymous Tips.
This link will provide information on neighborhood watch and more about Community Policing.
You can also get more information about the Port Angeles Police or the Lower Elwha Tribal Police services offered to the public by going to their sites.

Clallam County Fire Districts
The Clallam County Fire Districts support one another when the need arises. You can learn more about them by clicking on their links.
Clallam County Fire District #1 – Forks

Medical Transport
When medical transport is needed beyond our service area, we work with PenCom and these agencies to get it arranged.
Olympic Ambulance bases are strategically located in the communities they serve to offer several services related to transport.
The District works with local air medical transport services that cover the Pacific Northwest. Both LifeFlight and AirLift Northwest utilize numerous aircraft to support operations. Each offers ICU-level care during air transport. EMS helicopters typically operate within a 175-mile radius of their base but have the capability to fly longer distances. Fixed-wing aircraft can transport patients throughout the nation. District 4 responders work with PenCom Services and arrange medical air transport evacuations if needed.
Clallam County Government
Clallam County Website has many useful links to government services and information. Here are a few links.
Click on their logo for a complete listing.
Clallam County Office of Emergency Management
Clallam County’s Division of Emergency Management (CCEMD) plans for and responds to both natural and man-made disasters. These range from weather, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes to incidents involving hazardous materials, or significant law enforcement events. The division prepares and implements a county-wide Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, routinely conducts extensive exercises to test county emergency response capabilities and provides educational materials to the public to better prepare them for emergency events. This section of the Sheriff’s Office is Clallam county’s liaison with federal and local agencies on emergencies of all kinds. They also provide emergency operations training for local governmental agencies.

Partners for the Forests
CCFPD4 works with Olympic National Park and The Department of Natural Resources to control wildfires.
At the Olympic National Park site you can find out about area closures and road or trail conditions in the park.
Go to the Olympic National Forest site for information on trail conditions, road alerts, and firewood harvesting permits.
At the Department of Natural Resources site you can get Forest Fire Information, advice on protecting state lands and resources for landowner assistance.