Support Organizations
Clallam County Fire Protection District No.4 supports several organizations related to the mission of the district. Each of these groups are managed independently from the district, but each works to promote the efforts of the district.
Joyce Fire Auxiliary
The Joyce Fire Auxiliary is made up of people from the community that want to support the volunteers of Clallam County Fire Protection District No. 4. The Auxiliary holds bake sales and other money raisers to raise funds to purchase equipment and supplies for the district. We sponsor an Awards dinner each January to promote the achievements of district responders. Through the Joyce Cares program, the auxiliary hopes to uphold the good reputation of the District to the public by fostering goodwill between the organization and the community through projects that contribute to the safety and well-being of the community. If you are interested in joining the auxiliary or supporting our work, please send us a message on our Facebook Page
Joyce Cares
- A Vial of LIFE(Lifesaving Information For Emergencies) is a place to keep medical information for access by emergency personnel in an emergency.
- The Auxiliary made Vials of LIFE. They are at the Fire Admin Building available for anyone that wants one.
- This rack was purchased by the Joyce Cares Project . It is stocked with brochures about health resources available to the Joyce Community.
The Joyce Emergency Planning and Prep Group is a subcommittee of the Joyce Fire Auxiliary. This local group’s vision is a disaster ready and resilient Joyce community. Its mission is to help our small community to cope with a large scale disaster, including a major earthquake.
Between 2016 and 2022, the Joyce Emergency Planning and Prep group (JEPP) in cooperation with CCFPD4, worked to procure tools, equipment, supplies and food for ready use in a disaster at its newly designated Joyce Emergency Shelter. The supplies are stored in two large steel Conex containers, one housed behind Station 41 and the other behind the Joyce Bible Church. The group also built a steel shed to house two mobile generators, two mobile water filtration units, and an Army Field Kitchen for use at the shelter as part of its plan to feed and care for 300 residents in the aftermath of a seriously disruptive disaster.
The JEPP group meets every other month at the CCFD4 Firehouse in Joyce, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Visit the JEPP website to learn about disaster preparations in Joyce or how to prepare yourself and your family.
The Joyce CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) has prepared for many years to be ready and able to respond to a catastrophic event, including man-made and natural disasters, mass casualty events, or severe disruptions within the community. Its members have been trained to provide support to first responders and immediate assistance to victims. The Joyce CERT team will coordinate with JEPP and CCFPD#4 following a disaster and provide direct assistance at the Joyce Emergency Shelter (JES) should it be opened. CERT members are prepared to help run the Disaster Service Center. Contact the CCFPD4 Office to find out how to join this group.