CCFPD4 provides instruction and hands-on training for area residents across a wide range of topics. All members of the community are invited to participate. Joyce Fire and Rescue EMS personnel have offered and will continue to offer blended courses (online training and in person coaching) leading to certification on the topics of Basic First Aid, CPR and the use of AEDs, and “Stop the Bleed” including wound packing. They have also led classes on splinting and bandaging, heat and cold injuries, and burn care. Dates and topics for these events are published on the Joyce Auxiliary’s Facebook Page.
School Visits
At the beginning of every school year, CCFPD4 responders visit Crescent School. In the classrooms they teach students how to stop, drop, and roll. The students get to see the bunker gear up close complete with masks on. Responders don’t want young children to be afraid if they see a fire fighter in full gear. Outside, the students get to see the engines up close and climb on the engines. Fire fighters show how the hoses work. When the Education/Smoke Trailer comes for a visit, students get to practice what to do if there is smoke in their home and the fire alarm is going off.
Joyce Daze Festival
The District responders and vehicles are always a presence at Joyce Daze, the annual Joyce community festival. The vehicles and some equipment are available to visitors to see up close. Kids like climbing on the engines and seeing the inside of the ambulances. Some years, the district provides demonstrations of equipment. All the vehicles then join the parade with volunteers sitting proudly and waving at the crowds.
Engine 41
Ambulance 42
Ambulance Visitors
Each year for Halloween, Crescent School sponsors a Trunk or Treat evening event. The District joins others in the community to provide a safe Halloween for kids in our rural area. Engines are decorated and candy and treats are handed out.
Sports Attendance
When there is a sports event happening at Crescent School, responders are there in case something happens.